About the Journal
Title | Jurnal Kepariwisataan Indonesia |
Sub Title | Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kepariwisataan Indonesia |
Frequency | Biannual (June & December) |
DOI | Prefix 10. 47608 by Crossref |
Online ISSN | 2685-9076 |
Print ISSN | 1907-9419 |
Publisher | Directorate of Strategic Review, Deputy of Strategic Policy, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency |
Association | Indonesian Tourism Intellectuals Association (MoU No. NK / 04 / DKS / 2021) |
Accredited | SINTA 2 (Decree No. 79/E/KPT/2023) |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimensions | Scopus |
Jurnal Kepariwisataan Indonesia: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kepariwisataan Indonesia (known and abbreviated as JKI, E-ISSN 2685-9076; P-ISSN 1907-9419) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal published biannually (every June and December) by Directorate of Strategic Review, Deputy of Strategic Policy, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency in collaboration with the Indonesian Tourism Intellectuals Association (ICPI) based on MoU No. NK / 04 / DKS / 2021.
JKI is a peer-reviewed journal, contains scientific papers from research/study results, reviews/conceptual, and policy analyzes related to the tourism sector with a particular emphasis on the Indonesian context and global perspective. Aims and scope of JKI are Tourism Destinations and Infrastructure, Tourism Marketing, Tourism Industry and Investment, and Human Resources and Institutions.
Manuscripts to be published in JKI are original scientific papers; have high novelty value; presented in a clear and logical structure; findings are supported by good research methods, accurate data, and proper analysis; generate tactical policy recommendations that can be implemented by stakeholders; and supported by strong and adequate references.
JKI is now recognized as a national accredited journal (SINTA 2) starting from volume 16 (2) of 2022 to volume 21 (1) of 2027 with a score of 75 out of 100, based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Number 79/E/KPT/2023, dated May 11, 2023, regarding the Accreditation Ranking of Scientific Journals for the first period of 2023.
The scope of the journal:
1.Tourism Destinations and Infrastructure, including Marine and Coastal Tourism, Sustainable Tourism, Ecotourism, Border Tourism, Travel Patterns, and other topics related to the development of tourism destinations and infrastructure.
2.Tourism Marketing, including Marketing Communications, Tourists Behavior and other relevant marketing topics.
3.Tourism Industry and Investment, including Tourism Business, Tourism Business Technology and Information, tourism investment and other relevant topics in tourism industry and investment
4.Human Resources and Institutions, including Tourism Planning and Policy, Tourism Workforce, Inter-institutional relations, and other topics in relation to human resources and institutions in the tourism